Shane Diller
Shane Diller is a biomedical engineer turned educator. All around turbo nerd and innovation geek. Shane is the Lead Technologist for the Bryan Innovation Lab at The Steward School in Richmond, VA. His favorite piece of hardware is the classic Arduino Uno due to the low price point and sheer variability. His favorite projects include any that can demonstrate high-level engineering concepts in an artistic and approachable way. He’s passionate about wearables, web development, human-centered design, prosthetics, mentoring and inspiring others, and sticky notes. Oh, and pictures of pugs in costumes.
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Bringing Awareness to Environmental Issues Through STEAM
Shane Diller 5/7/19 6:31 AM
Arduino teaching tools student projects Guest Post programming STEAM
How do you bring awareness to issues that you are passionate about? Do you make a flyer? Stand outside with signs? Donate to organizations that you care about? How about art? How about combining art ...
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If you’ve followed any of my earlier posts, you may have seen a link to a giant 100+ slide Google Slides on teaching Arduino. If you are crazy and took the time to read through all of it (first off, ...
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Happy New Year and good tidings and all of that other stuff people typically wish you! I don’t know about anybody else, but my least favorite thing about the New Year is the constant question of what ...
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Happy Holidays one and all! One of my most vivid memories about this time of year is the idea of warmth - sitting by a fire with a hot cup of tea while the family tells stories and enjoys each ...
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Welcome back! Today we will be diving a little bit deeper into Design Thinking (DT) as a tool for your students and a way to pump up the creativity in your classroom. Last time, we looked at the ...
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If you’ve been following some of my posts, you’ll notice that many of the projects I pick for students to pursue are centered around bringing real world experiences to them. Very often, they involve ...
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Whether you like tattoos or hate tattoos, we can all agree that as a child, the temporary tattoos that you could get out of the quarter machines were like magic. All they needed were a sponge and ...
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Howdy everybody! With school starting, I’ll be posting a bit less frequently. But I wanted to share some midweek motivation with everybody. Even though it’s only September, I’ve been thinking nonstop ...
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Well, it’s finally here! The students have returned and the school is full of life again. I don’t know about you all, but I’m a big Sci-Fi nerd and the start of school always reminds me of the book ...
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Alright, this is the post you’ve all been waiting for! In this post, I’m going to talk to you about creating your own content videos. Why? Because although there are some great videos and series out ...
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