Mimi Tran Zambetti

Mimi Tran Zambetti is a sophomore at USC, where she’s majoring in Art, Technology and Business with minors in Architecture and Social Entrepreneurship. She is invested in supporting diversity and inclusivity in entrepreneurship through Spark SC, a student organization that launches initiatives to foster an entrepreneurship community and to connect creators across campus. Mimi’s talents include losing track of time while making, maintaining a state of perpetual awe when meeting women in hardware VC and collecting socks.
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Fostering Diversity and Inclusivity in the Maker Community…One Makeathon at a Time
Mimi Tran Zambetti 1/2/18 6:30 AM
Events Maker Education getting started Guest Post Community Partnership Program STEM
Break to Make is a two-day, all-women makeathon created to foster a supportive learning environment for women interested in maker culture and product design. Women in diverse fields come to the event ...
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