Jahnell Pereira

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Every year, my kids beg me to put together a SparkFun activity for their classrooms. Ensuring this activity is aligned with academic goals, fun for students, and doable for me is always the challenge ...
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Replicable Models of Innovation Series: Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools
Jahnell Pereira 9/25/18 6:28 AM
funding Community Partnership Program STEAM computer science STEM
We are officially launching our "Replicable Models of Innovation" series. Schools and districts across the nation are developing and implementing models of innovation to increase the number of ...
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In surveying our educator community this year, we decided it would be best to separate K-12 and higher education since they seem to have very distinct needs. We gathered some incredible insights from ...
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At SparkFun, we love hearing from educators - the feedback we receive is used to make the services and products we provide align with real needs. One tool we use annually (-ish) is a survey. Many ...
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I recently visited my daughter's first grade classroom to deliver a mini paper circuits workshop. We had tons of fun, and I thought it might be helpful to share how it all came together....
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