For the past seven years, SparkFun’s Department of Education has been delivering content to teachers through a variety of different channels. Our goal at SparkFun is to inspire the inventors of the future and provide educators with innovative instructional experiences and resources to incorporate electronics and project- based learning in the classroom. In that spirit, we have offered workshops with hands-on training, webinars, online tutorials, custom workshops and weeklong professional development.
We have received great feedback from our past workshops. In an effort to keep that good record going and ensure that we are always providing the most effective, relevant training, we have decided to take a closer look at our professional development model and ask you for feedback.
Here’s where you can help! We want to hear from you about what you want in a training system. What are the things you love most? What are some difficulties you've faced in trainings you've attended?

Please help us develop a dynamic system that will serve the needs of teachers across the country and even the world. Our goal is to improve our teaching practices and delivery methods. So, please take a few minutes to share your thoughts.
Thank you for your time and for everything you do as educators!
Professional Development