Data Visualization Three Ways

When collecting data, the sheer volume of it can quickly become overwhelming. Rows and rows of information become difficult to quickly scan and gain any useful information from. That is where data visualization come in. Data visualization allows you to turn those rows and rows of data into helpful charts and graphs that can allow trends to be seen with a quick glance and for less obvious trends to become evident.

Knowing how to turn those rows or data into helpful charts and graphs can be overwhelming. But we’re here to help with three videos that discuss how to use physical computing to achieve your data visualization goals.


The first in the series, focuses on using micro:bit for data visualization. SparkFun Field Engineer, Jeff Branson walks you through using Chromebooks, the Processing Language, and Python to visualize data with micro:bit.

Just a heads up! We had some technical difficulties with these being our first livestream series so hang with us!



In the second installment, Jeff takes a look at ways to visualize data using an Arduino board.


Raspberry Pi

In the final installment, Jeff visualizes data from a Raspberry Pi using Python and Processing.


What’s your favorite trick for data visualization?

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