We are constantly on the lookout for interesting articles in the fields of STEM education, ed tech and computer science. Over the past year, we saved some of our favorites, along with some of the most popular among our readers, and decided to do a round-up for you to peruse. So get ready by grabbing a cup of cocoa and a fuzzy blanket and settle in for some great reads.
Teaching Tips/Tools
Good resources and trends in teaching electronics and computer science in the classroom.

photo credit: ©Shutterstock/David Gilder
10 Clean Coding Techniques That Every Coder Should Know
“Here are 10 important techniques for writing clean code, regardless of what programming language you use.”
Reimagining and rethinking engineering education
“A new report from MIT puts a spotlight on worldwide trends in the changing landscape of engineering education, pinpoints the current and emerging leaders in the field, and describes some of its future directions.”
The Flexibility of Computational Thinking
Computational thinking is such a useful skill for students to have. Middle schoolers tackle social justice problems in English, math and history using methods learned through computational thinking.
18 powerful technology tools and trends for 2018
“Technology changes so rapidly that the newest tablets, phones, and tools are often outdated within a couple years. Pair that fast pace with the education industry, which is notoriously slow to adopt new things, and it doesn’t exactly sound like a recipe for innovation. Check out one professor’s take on 2018’s top trends.”
Assessing Learning in Maker Education
“A look at how maker education is assessed—and how assessment is evolving to measure more than just content.”
Helping teachers weave computational thinking into lessons
“Diane Levitt, senior director of K-12 education at Cornell Tech, led a workshop Sept. 28 on inspiring computational thinking, part of an ongoing relationship between Ithaca-area school districts, Cornell Tech and CSforAll. Read a summary of the fascinating topics addressed.”
Higher Ed and Beyond
Getting students “future ready” is so important to K-12 educators, these articles will help give students perspective for what comes next.
photo credit: spectrum.ieee.org
What Programming Language Skills Do Employers Want?
“What programming language skills do employers want? Online job-search firm Indeed took a look at three months (18 May to 18 August) of 2018 job listings in its tech software category to find out.”
5 Hot Engineering Jobs for Grads
When you were in school did you ever ask yourself, “how will I use this in the ‘real world’?” Engineering students can stop asking that question with real-life applications for the things they are learning.
Institutional Innovation: The classroom of the future for all types of students
“When it comes to how higher education leaders can get more students to their institutions, the same advice comes up over and over again — build partnerships with local K-12 districts.”
University mails out science kits for online engineering degree
“University of Colorado Boulder master’s program will ‘bring the laboratory experience’ to students at home.”
“Data collected as part of Project Tomorrow's Speak Up Research Project for Digital Learning revealed substantial increases in support for coding classes.”
Women in STEM/Tech/Engineering
There are varying opinions about the presence of women and girls in science, here is a small cross-section of the articles written on the subject from the past year.
photo credit: Alison Yin, via TheAtlantic.com
“Techbridge Girls believes in the power of creating a space where students feel like they belong.”
“In today’s world, STEM careers remain mainly a boy’s club. Men dominate the fields of STEM and this creates a problem for our society... It is important that women grow in STEM career fields because women bring something to the table that men cannot, and that is a woman’s perspective.”
The Future of AI Depends on High-School Girls
“Women make up one-quarter of computer scientists. But in the field of artificial intelligence, those numbers are likely much lower.”
You Know Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Now Meet Comedic Scientist Sophia Shrand.
“The goal of “Science with Sophie” is to provide strong female science role models to everybody. It sounds maybe a little wacky to say, “My audience is everyone.” But the primary audience is for kids, to get [them] excited about science.”
Maker Culture Has a ‘Deeply Unsettling’ Gender Problem
“Makerspaces may be one of the most exciting elements on any school’s campus. But a lack of focus around culture and gender inclusiveness are stunting its true promise.”
Cool things that don’t fit neatly into category!
“Lockheed Martin is working on technologies that will make deep-space travel to Mars possible. As part of its Generation Beyond K-12 STEM education initiative, the company announced the winners of its nationwide contest asking students to design a Mars-orbiting space lab and living space at the USA Science & Engineering Festival.”
How The Maker Movement Is Using EdTech Toys To Inspire The Next Generation Of Innovators
“For all that we hear about technology causing greater disconnection in society today, a growing movement of “makers” is offering a different twist on this narrative, instead using technology to unite people around making the world a better place.”
New federal policy would hike student spacecraft costs, threatening technology education
“Every year thousands of high school and college students get to visit space vicariously, by launching their own satellites. Students design, build and test each one, and then work with space industry professionals to get them loaded on rockets and launched into orbit. Federal Communications Commission considers hiking communications licensing fees beyond the reach of most students and schools.”
SparkFun Faves
Some of our favorites, and yours, from our blog in case you missed them the first time around.
Unexpected Jobs That Use Computer Science
“While not all students will end up pursuing careers in computer science, it is still a good idea for all students to learn the basics. More and more seemingly unrelated careers are now using basic computer science principles to be more effective. Known as “hybrid jobs,” these jobs may not specifically require a degree in computer science, but they definitely require some basic skills and knowledge.”
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Three Rules of EdTech
“It is tempting in a world where new technology appears every day to want to try everything new and shiny. Most of us don’t have the time, energy or brain power to do this, so how do we sort all this out?”
“Jumper wires are extremely handy components to have on hand, especially when prototyping. But what are they?”
“The basis of the Growth Mindset is that we all have strengths and weaknesses, but no subject is off limits, it just may take more practice.”
Replicable Models of Innovation Series: Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools
“Schools and districts across the nation are developing and implementing models of innovation to increase the number of students who are ready to engage in STEM fields, both in the workforce and as a course of study.”
Did you come across any stellar articles this year? Please share in the comments
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teaching tools, Maker Education, helpful information, STEAM, computer science, STEM